In Uramaki sushi the rice is on the outside of the roll with nori (dried seaweed sheet) on the inside, rather than the rice being encased in the nori.
Nami was my very best childhood girlfriend, we lived next door to each other. We were in the same kindergarten class and grew up together. That was a long time ago, in a different time when childhood play was unstructured and we could play, bike and explore where ever we liked as long as we were home by evening dinner. Afterwards we could play outdoors until the street lights came on.
We spent countless hours at work and imaginative play together, and people would often confuse us for sisters. If I wasn't at her house, she was at mine, our mothers (and families) were very good friends.
Sometimes, as a special treat Nami's grandmother would make maki rolls for us. I believe I was 6 or 7 when I had my first taste of maki, it was love at first bite for me.
If you haven't attempted making sushi rolls (maki) at home, let me assure you it is not difficult to do. Your technique will improve with practice.
The beauty of the sushi roll is the fillings are limited only by your imagination, it's satisfying to come up with your own specialties, even using bits of leftovers. :)
This time the fillings I chose were:
Short-grain brown rice (find it at the healthy food store), cooked & seasoned as in traditional white sushi rice
julienned carrots and hot house/"seedless", (or Kerby) cucumber
California avocado
slivered green onion
wasabi if you like (I serve it on the side)
Sesame seeds for the final garnish (black, white, or a mix)
I use lower-sodium soy sauce
It is difficult to articulate the directions for assembling the rolls, but this uramaki demonstration video will help you visualize, and simplify the procedure.
The technique is the same, no matter what you choose to use as filling.
See how easy?!
I hope you have a healthy and delicious day!
I have a Sushi cookbook yet mine never taste as good as the restaurant quality. I think I need a good recipe. How much rice wine vinegar do you add to sweeten the rice? Yours are beautiful...picture perfect with the avocado making me crave!
ReplyDeleteYes, that does look easy! I love these.
ReplyDeleteMary you are an incredible cook, my dear! Everything you cook looks delicious and so nicely presented.... wow, hurray for you!
Yet another great post and photographs -- how do you do it? I love making sushi and often use it as the focus for a dinner party. Nothing breaks the ice better than people playing with their food. I haven't attempted uramaki rolls, however, so will give them a go now. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThose are some beautiful looking sushi-rolls!
ReplyDeleteI love sushi and I have just tried making uramaki some time back. But with short grain brown rice is the first time I heard of it. Would love to try it out if I can get the short grain brown rice. Great job !