It's been a crazy-busy week, not much time for cooking/baking anything worth sharing so I thought I'd share some postcards from around home instead.
The fruit trees are nearly all in bloom ~ filling the air with their heavenly scent.
(This one and the one below are nectarines.)
And sadly, we had to have an old, enormous pine tree removed.
I never take it lightly when a tree on the property must be removed, especially one of this stature; it was about 80 years old. However, this one was no longer thriving and perilously close to the studio out back. Still, it makes me sad.
Can you see our favorite tree-guy waaay up there? First he climbs up and ties off each huge limb, cuts it with his chain saw and lowers each one down to the crew on the ground. Into the chipper it goes to become garden material. Then he ties off and continues cutting the trunk into large logs which are lowered to the crew below;
the crew cuts them into 16" logs. After they dry and age, they'll be split for firewood.
They make it look so easy, but I'm always on pins and needles when I see this.
And I even get sweaty palms just looking at the photos. Eeeek.
He left a good "table-height" stump to which we'll add a tabletop for outdoor dining; maybe I'll feature it in an upcoming Tablescape Thursday!
Daffodils, tea, and a darling tea cozy...
(Stay tuned, there's more to come about tea cozies in the future.)
And introducing one little girl from the second batch of chicks ~
They just arrived on Tuesday.
She's an Australorp, a breed was developed in Australia in the late 1800's with Black Orpington stock from England.
No name yet... but I'm leaning towards Olivia, or Olive. :D
And she will look similar to the hen below when full grown;
black with a greenish sheen.
Photo courtesy of ozbreeders.com
The daffodils/narcissus are in full bloom ~
Some of my favorites; I love to bring some indoors to enjoy up close.
Spring showers or not ~ the flowers always add cheer to the room.
Thank you for stopping by today~ I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I'll leave you with one of my favorite
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!