The chicken population is growing at my house. :)
I've shared about my chickens before, back in 2010 ~ from the very beginning of the construction of the Hen House and the completed project.
And introduced some of the chickens here and here and here.
Those hens have been good girls and steady layers ~ we've added on to the original chicken coop and pen since then so it's time to rejuvenate things a bit.
This time I chose more Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, and Americaunas (the ones that lay blue or green eggs.)
It's always so much fun to watch them grow ~ I hope you enjoy these pictures of the most recent additions to the flock:
A befuddling impostor!
These pictures are all Buff Orpinton chicks ~
When fully mature the hens look like this:
Photo courtesy of Backyard Chickens
And the hens will weigh about 8 pounds, it is a very good natured breed, excellent laying hens, the hens are good nurturing mothers, and they are surely right up there among my favorites chickens.
I'll post more of the other newbies soon.
Thank you for stopping by ! Have a happy weekend Friends!
xoxo ~m