~ Hello and Welcome to Tablescape Thursday~

With grateful thanks to Susan @ Between Naps on the Porch for hosting Tablescape Thursday each week.
For the last Tablescape Thursday of October what else but a Halloween theme would do?!
Living so far out in the country, and at the end of a long driveway, we don't have any "Trick or Treaters" so this tablescape has a decidedly adult theme with a bit of whimsy to entertain the "kid" in all of us.

If you are a Nell Hill's fan the setting may look familiar ~ and rightly so, as the design for this tablescape is almost identical to one I saw a few years ago in one of Mary Carol Garrity's books:
Nell Hill's Entertaining in Style: Inspiring Parties and Seasonal Celebrations

I built the tablescape around the oil burning candelabra which I've had for nearly 10 years, from Victoria Trading Company. (I see it is still available online at the site, click link above.)

Usually the candelabra is displayed in my home on a vintage, chippy chest of drawers, re-purposed into storage for some of my table linens and serving pieces.
And as lovely as the light source is, it is also utilitarian ~ we usually lose power here (in the wooded forest) at least a couple of times per month.
The loss of power might be considered an inconvenience but I've come to embrace these blips as part of life in the country. :)
A chance to slow down and get back to life the way it used to be. I love that.

I combined old and new to complete the table setting, and if you follow my blog, you've probably seen some of the elements before. That is one of the things I like about creating new tablescapes ~ using things I have, combined in different ways to create a new look.

As tall as it is, the candelabra needed a little more height to give more importance to this busy table. Looking around the house I couldn't find just the right base to elevate it.
The solution? I had to disassemble something to put elements of it into service here. The platform beneath the candelabra is actually made from stacked wooden disks from a 4-tiered display stand (deconstructed) purchased from Martha Stewart on-line several years ago.

The black and white salad/dessert plates are from Nell Hill's about 6 years ago. There are various bird patterns on each one, not exactly fitting with the Halloween theme, but it doesn't matter as they are covered by the ceramic pedestals.

Chocolate coins were always a favorite of mine as a child, given to us on special occasions.

The little orange beaded necklaces are from the Hallmark store.

Since we don't consume much refined sugar, I just bought one little bag of Candy Corn ~ the contents didn't fill this small container so I poured some candy into the inverted dome, then arranged some wine corks in the center and poured more candy in, then placed the stemmed base on top and inverted it. A simple method to make the dome appear full, without having to buy so much candy.

I've listed the sources for almost everything you see on the table at the end of the post.