
Witches Brooms ~ Foodie Friday Mysterious Ingredient Club

This is my second entry for Foodie Friday's second 
Mysterious Ingredient Club sponsored by Rattlebridge Farm.

Michael Lee West, owner of Rattlebridge Farm
 generously supplied each participant
with these spooky Halloween sprinkles by Wilton
 to do with as we might ~

I decided upon these 'Witches Brooms' cookies as my
additional entry this week.

If you would like to make them you'll need:

Pretzel Rods, cut to about 4-1/2 inches
Cookie dough 
(I made Maple sugar cookie dough)
Peanut butter cookie dough, or any other smooth dough would work. 
Probably you could use store bought, too.
Chocolate Morsels
Butterscotch or Peanut Butter Morsels
A little solid shortening

To assemble:
Form the dough into approximately 1-1/2-inch balls.
Press each ball into the cut end of the pretzel rod.
Flatten slightly, then press fork tines into dough,
to represent broom straws.
Bake according to cookie recipe directions.
Remove cookies from pan and place on a rack to cool.

When completely cool, melt chocolate chips with shortening
(2/3 cup chocolate chip to 2 teaspoons shortening is enough for 20 cookies*)
Spoon chocolate over lower part of broom handle and top
part of broom bristles, leaving bottom of bristles uncovered.
Allow to cool and firm up.

Melt butterscotch chips with shortening.
(1/3 cup butterscotch chips to 1/2 teaspoon shortening*)
Drizzle over chocolate. Allow to stand until firm
before storing in airtight container.

*You may need to add a little more melted
shortening to make the melted chocolate and butterscotch 
chips the right consistency for drizzling.

Back to post the cookie recipe for those who want it ~

Makes 20 cookies 
(I must have made my broom parts too large
because the recipe only produced 14 when I made them.)

1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
2 Tablespoons water
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 and 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/8 teaspoon salt
10 pretzel rods (about 8-1/2" long),  cut in half cross-wise
(I noticed the pretzel rods I bought were only about 7-inches
long, you want the cut rods for the broom handle to
be between 4 and 4-1/2 inches long.)

Heat oven to 350ºF. In a medium bowl, beat brown sugar, butter,
water and vanilla with electric mixer on medium speed until blended.
Stir in flour and salt. Shape dough into 20 (1-1/4" balls).

Then just proceed with the directions above.

Happy baking!!

Please come on over to our host Michael Lee West's blog
Rattlebridge Farm see what's going on for this Foodie Friday!

Thank you for stopping by friends!

~ mari


  1. LOVE THESE! they are just darling, now if only that dang witch could fly on over and sweep up my messy kitchen! hope you have a great weekend~

  2. How creative, Mari...I LOVE these & I bet my DGkidlets would, too. I am soooo going to do these for them, closer to Halloween!
    I need to go hunt down a recipe for maple sugar cookies! I have maple flavoring in the cupboard but I wouldn't know how much to use in place of the usual vanilla.

    Thanks for sharing the details on how you constructed them, too. Neat idea!!


  3. Oh my goodness, this is officially the CUTEST Halloween thing I have seen this year!! I have seen the broom cookies on Pinterest but sweeping up the bones and sprinkles is too brilliant!

  4. How darn cute! If I wasn't traveling to a wedding this weekend, I would make these tomorrow. So fun!! xo

  5. Oh, my goodness... thank you all for such kind comments. ((hugs))

    Rett (and anyone else who is interested ~

    I said Maple, but I really think the cookies are a light molasses flavor (brown sugar is the sweetener and flavoring.)

    I'll go edit so you can see the recipe, it's a little different in that it does not require any egg, but the texture is not like shortbread...

    Thank you again for your comments!

  6. Mari~ I'm Spellbound by your Witches' Broom Cookies~ the photos and the flavors! I'm ready to fire up my broom and fly to the store for the ingredients to make these :)

  7. These are adorable. What witch wouldn't love these brooms. I am so impressed by the creativeness of everyone with the sprinkles in the Mystery Club Ingredient this month.

  8. Leave it to you, Mari, to create something so clever. I think these are my favorite cookies so far.I don't think I can resist making them.

  9. Crunchy, sweet, and fun to eat! I love your little brooms. I'll be flying by again to copy them! Linda

  10. I immediately Pinned..
    Under recipes and ideas for the alphabet boys...but to be truthful if someone set some up in front of me as you have just done..I would be charmed.And I would go on and on:)
    So so cute!

  11. soooo creative. first time i see these. different from the regular witches fingers. luv it. i so enjoy looking at your website. you inspire me. thank you thank you thank you

  12. Hi Mary, thank you!
    Hello Sam, I'm still licking my lips over your pretty Chocolate Mousse photos. :)
    Cathy, Thank you ~ I must tell you again, the cookies you shared take the prize in my mind. So CLEVER and colorful!
    Linda, I really enjoyed your Fall Apple themed party ~ so pretty!
    Monique, I would LOVE to see your take on these, you are so creative and are the ace photographer.
    Olga, thank you so very much for such kind compliments!

    Thank you everyone for taking the time to comment,
    you've made my week. Have a great weekend. :)

  13. So fun and so cute! You were very creative and the result is a perfect spooky treat!

  14. Hello Lorraine, Thank you so much!

    I saw this idea several years ago in one of those little cook booklets that you see near the check-out counter at the grocery and pharmacy stores but just now got around to making them.

    I haven't looked but readers have mentioned that they have seen them before as well (Pinterest, etc.) Wish I were that creative on my own. ;)

    Thank you for coming by and taking the time to leave such a nice comment. ((hugs))

  15. Hi Mari, since I visited you the last time, you have made some incredible things. Love the adorable 'Witches Broom' clever, and something way too cute to want to eat; but I'm sure it will not be left untouched.

    Also your summer squash soup (pinned)...and the yummy baguettes which I want to make soon are also quite creative and delicious! Love the pretty green soup bowl! xo

  16. Love these! You always have the most gorgeous photos!

  17. Mari, your little brooms are simply too cute for words! I love how they're sweeping up the sprinkles.

  18. Hello Elisabeth, Thank you for such glowing words, you are very kind (thank you for pinning!)

    Hi Shelby, that is such high praise coming from some one as talented at you. Thank you!

    Hello Kitty, Good to see you here~ Thank you !

    Have a lovely week everyone. xo


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!