
Fresh Lemon Cake with Berry Glaze

A redux post from a couple of years ago . . .
It was a special tea party.

I decided to share it again as it is a favorite dessert
around here, and I am making this same cake today. 

You can choose almost any fruit topping, (or leave it off entirely), I like the combination of the
lemon cake with strawberry topping and that's
the way I usually make it.

My mom began making it back in the 1970's, when it was originally called "French Lemon Cake" ~ I'm
not sure why "French"... perhaps because it is only one layer?

It's one of those that you can put together VERY quickly as it is mixed in the food processor.

After it is baked sweetened lemon juice is drizzled over the top, intensifying the luscious lemon flavor.

It can be served plain, and it's very good that way ~ but I usually dress it up a bit by adding a thick Strawberry glaze, made with melted Strawberry jam, and then I pipe on, or serve the cake slices with slightly sweetened whipped cream.

So simple to make, but so good!

If you'd like the recipe, a printable copy is available 
HERE on my recipe blog.

Click the link below to see all the
wonderful recipes for this weeks
Foodie Friday hosted by
Rattlebridge Farm!

Click HERE.


Thank you for stopping by for a visit today.



  1. its beautiful, i have a gazillion lemons begging to be used, but my head as been with lavender! strawberries are something i rarely pair with lemons, i don't know why, i need to give this try, its gorgeous~

    have a great weekend, happy dining to you!

  2. That is an absolute;y beautiful cake! Thanks for sharing it.


  3. Heartbeats♥
    For the Chintz:)
    And recipe..
    I HAVE to make this..
    Too pretty to pass up..
    I remember ordering those pedestals because of you.

    And many other my youth of course!
    I still covet your chickens..But the line has been drawn.
    Lovely post..for many senses.

  4. Thank you so much for your very nice comments, each one. Hope you all are having a beautiful day! xoxo

  5. P.S. Nana, "in your youth..." you make me giggle ~ you're still a young one! (But I know what you mean, not so much collecting any more around here either.)
    I GET it! ;)

  6. Hi Mari! What a delicious looking cake! The table setting is absolutely lovely too! Looking forward to making this pretty cake soon :)

    Kindly, Lorraine

  7. I saw this on facebook and had to come here to see it in all it's gorgeousness!

  8. I've been searching for the perfect dessert for Memorial Day next weekend. I definitely wanted something with strawberries and this would be perfect!

    One question: how in the world did you get such nice clean slices? I wipe my knife prior to each cut, but I still pick up crumbs, glaze, frosting, and drag them all over the place.

  9. Mari,

    My favorite dishes. I love them.

    I actually do know why they call it French. This is a cake that French Grand-mére’s teach their grandchildren. I actually blogged about it. My grandmother used to make this. I asked my sister to confirm, but she is a savory girl, so she did not remember it. I ended up doing some ancestry work and making French friends that confirmed it for me. It is based on the yogurt cup, which is a half-cup measure. One yogurt cup butter, one sugar – 2 yogurt cup of flour, the two eggs equal half cup or one yogurt cup of eggs. Easy for the little ones to learn to bake.


  10. G'day! Strawberry and lemon combination sounds YUM, TRUE!
    Lve your tea sea and your photos too!
    Cheers! Joanne
    What's On The List

  11. Love the tart shape and the Chintz.

  12. Thank you for your comments!

    Kim, I do just what you do (wipe the blade with a damp cloth or paper towel after each slice.)

    I think the reason this particular cake cuts so cleanly is its' texture and density (it is not a crumbly cake at all-- as long as you don't over-bake it.) It helps if the cake is cut when it's cool (or cold from the fridge.)
    The glaze is thick, so it doesn't run or weep. Believe me, some cakes I have cut definitely don't present neatly at all, so I know exactly what you mean. xo

  13. Madonna, thank you so much for the information regarding why the cake is so named! That's good to know. Love it! xo

  14. What a lovely cake. I enjoy having a recipe for a simple dessert for summer entertaining and this looks perfect.


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!