
Smoked Pork Tenderloin with Dijon-Green Peppercorn Sauce

Last evening I used the stovetop smoker for the first time with incredible results, if I do say so myself!

Actually I had very little to do with the outcome, as the procedure is as simple as can be. Simply season the meat, put the wood chips in the pan, place the drip pan & rack in the pan, place the meat or vegetables in on the rack, put the pan over medium heat and set the kitchen timer.

The stovetop smokers have been out for years and years but I never felt the need for one as my dad had perfected his method of smoking salmon and other foods in his large outdoor smoker.

But this is a entirely different creature! No brining necessary, unless you want to.

I chose to smoke two pork tenderloins ~ the results were the most juicy and succulent pork I have ever prepared (or eaten!)

I simply lightly salt and peppered the tenderloins, brushed them with olive oil, sprinkled generously with thyme ~ placed them in the smoker with 1 1/2 tablespoons of fine woodchips beneath the drip pan, placed the smoker over medium heat and allowed it to cook for exactly 25 minutes.

The results were OUTSTANDING, honestly some of the best pork I have ever eaten, and the best part is it took so little effort!

Surprisingly the smoke flavor penetrated every morsel of meat but did not overwhelm ~ of course you could increase the amount of wood chips used if you like a more pronounced smoke flavor. However, I prefer just a mild hint of smoke for delicately flavored meats.

In the past I have made Asian tea-smoked chicken, and a few other things using my trusty wok as a smoker, but this is FAR simpler and actually foolproof if you follow the simple instructions.

I served one loin with Dijon-Green Peppercorn sauce (first time for that particular recipe; and another keeper ~ it's creamy and mild and just slightly pungent, didn't overpower the delicate flavor of the meat. It would be divine with beef tenderloin, steaks, simply prepared chicken or fish, as well.

I'm going to add a spicy Orange-Ginger glaze to the other for dinner this evening.

I was a bit apprehensive that smoke aroma would fill the kitchen area, but it did not! Just a faint hint of something cooking, actually it was difficult to detect that there was and smoking going on at all. The key is to use the unit over medium heat only ~ and it worked perfectly.

Emeril also makes a stovetop smoker, but it is considerably heavier than the version I have.

I chose this one, manufactured by Cameron and available at several places. I purchased mine at, as it was the best price point I found:

Large version (15 x 11 x 3.5 inches) ~ Qualifies for FREE Super Saver Shipping.

Cameron Cookware Stainless Steel Stovetop Smoker

or the Smaller version (11 x 7 x 3 inches):

Cameron Cookware Gourmet Mini Smoker

The large version comes with 4 generous sample tubs of woodchips so you can try which ones you prefer, and begin smoking right away. There is a helpful cook booklet enclosed and further instructions for using the pan to smoke larger cuts of meat and poultry (by tenting with foil, rather than using the flat lid), the pans can also be used as steamers.

I recommend this method of cooking, and anticipate using the smoker frequently for all kinds of meats and vegetables. There are a couple of smoked tomato recipes I've been wanting to try ~ one is for a smoked relish/salsa, and the other uses smoked tomatoes in a lovely soup. I'll be sharing those and others in upcoming posts.

The recipe and instructions for the Smoked Pork Tenderloin and the Dijon-Green Peppercorn sauce will be up on my recipe blog a little later today if you would like them.


  1. OOOOH Mary, now that is a dinner I would love to have. I love pork tenderloin, but even more so I love green peppercorn sauces. Plated beautifully.

  2. Ahh Mary Mary Mary what am I going to do with you..Another thing in my Amazon Shopping Cart for the future!

    What a great idea..we don't ahve a smoker..this would be wonderful..

    I love Amazon.When I go to the states they get my business:)
    Beautiful meal Mary:)

  3. This is an amazing post, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it, this made me want to try your smoker recipe for tenderloin and I don't even like to cook...You have my vote for the most "fabulous" blog ever...

  4. Oh my gosh, this looks amazing! Great post. Cindy

  5. oh looks so good, and your plating is beautiful. its always a joy for me to come here and be inspired~

  6. I'm glad you answered my question about it Not being smokey in the kitchen. I've always wanted one since I watched Emeril use one on his live show. BTW, your meal looks and sounds fabulous. ~ Robyn

  7. I can almost see how tender that meat is from here! Isn't it nice when you find cookware that makes things so simple yet so tasty?!

  8. Thank you everybody, I truly was pleasantly surprised by stovetop smoking.

    25 minutes, and it was done perfectly (just enough time to get the sides prepared!) I'm really sold on this method.

    If you use a stovetop smoker, or are going to try ~ I hope you'll share your recipes, too.

    Thank you for stopping by and commenting! :)

  9. Mary, que rico! Delicioso! I can always find the most apetizing food here... and awesome presentation as well.... yummy! I'm sure your chocolate cookies must be something out of this world.... hope you can participate in our party.... we are celebrating the arrival of spring... come see! ;)



  10. that looks fabulous! I may have to look into this smoker. I think we'd love it. Thanks for sharing the info. laurie

  11. Mari, this is one classy dish, love the light green sauce, smoky flavours always get and your plating...did I mention classy? ;)


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!