
Darling Bakers ~ Saint Patrick's Day ~ Sneak Peek!

Not much cooking around here, except Chicken Soup
as I'm playing nurse maid to my sick mate who is suffering from a nasty cold ~

Instead I thought I'd share a little Darling Baker's St. Patrick Day celebration TEASE.

I hope you'll plan on visiting for our Darling Bakers SPDay event on Tuesday.

Have a G*R*E*A*T Sunday!

I'll be back in the kitchen very soon.


  1. I remember being charmed by your Lucky Charm post!I still am.

    The pot'o'gold..

    We are babysitting St-Paddy's day..I am going to get ready before..
    Nothing extravagant..time is scarce!I had a secret helper unbeknownst to her!

  2. Hi Monique, what a TREAT to babysit, oui?! It's a highlight of the week, I'm sure... and as much fun as a party. :)

    Me either, nothing fancy this year ~ just good, simple Irish grub. :)


  3. Oh we just did the chicken soup routing, first me and then DH. I will look forward to St. Patrick's Day, I'm sure you're looking forward to that also. Hope all are well soon. Hugs, Marty

  4. Thanks for letting us know and that leprechaun is so scary looking!

  5. i have been eating my pot of gold all day, oy, that leprechaun is indeed mean with all his treats!


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!