
Steamed Halibut with Green Onion and Ginger Sizzle

This is a classic way of preparing fish in Chinese cuisine ~ I had not made it in quite a while, but recently, while visiting one of my favorite blogs I was reminded of it:

I must admit I had used this method with snapper, bass and salmon before, but never halibut. Halibut in my area usually costs about $20. a pound, so it is a special treat in my house ~
However recently there was a good price on halibut steaks; I couldn't resist, and I knew just how I wanted to prepare it. The mild flavor of halibut is perfect for this style of preparation.

The bonus is that it goes together in moments. Just prep the seasoning vegetables (green onions/scallions, ginger, garlic), place them in a pan with 3 tablespoons of sizzling hot oil, add some red pepper flakes and stir for a moment until wilted. Quickly stir in a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce or tamari, then pour over steamed fish and it's done!

The next time you're looking for a fast and delicious way to serve fish you may want to keep this in mind.

The recipe can be found HERE on Thiebault's Table, Ann's wonderful blog.

While you're there take some time to feast your eyes on Ann's excellent photography and recipes. Besides being a fabulous photographer, she is an incredibly accomplished cook and baker, and a real inspiration to many of us, including me.


  1. gosh does that look GOOD!i love halibut, but you know the price went thru the roof and its been years since i bot it... i am seafood squeamish, of all the fish in the sea, why did my all time fav hit the stratosphere!

    i would adore this and will be keeping my eyes open for sales too... but meanwhile i am licking my screen with your mouthwatering pics~

    hope you had a great weekend, winter was here full on~

  2. This looks delicious. I love simply prepared fish dishes!

  3. This looks delicious. I love simply prepared fish dishes!

  4. Oh Mary...that looks so good!
    Halibut is hard to come by here...and when I can find it it is usually steaks. I do love it and would love to be sitting down to that beautiful plate of food...

  5. I love halibut, too, and this recipe has some of my favorite flavors - I'll have to look for some this week. I love the way you dressed the rest of your plate! So pretty, Mari!

  6. Mari, I wouldn't know whether to eat that dish or frame it and hang it on my wall! LOL It is an absolutely gorgeous picture (and I'm sure the fish was delish!)

  7. I love ginger and it pairs so well with fish! Yummy meal!

  8. That's a beautiful piece of halibut steak...nice one!

  9. Thank you so much for your comments! You've really started the new week off well.

    I hope you all have a great week, too!

  10. Oh Mary..I love your recipes and Ann's too..So what's not to like?
    I have a recipe for steamed fish and even kept the pics I took from a Kylie Kwang (SP?)recipe that we love..Ginger and fish? =Like a horse and carriage:)

    Beautiful photos as always!

  11. Mary, Gorgeous picture. Love all the green. The halibut looks wonderful against that background.

    Halibut season opens again in about 3 or 4 weeks. Can't wait to be able to buy it fresh again. Hopefully the price will be slightly better too.


  12. Looks delicious! What a nice way to prepare some fresh fish! I LOVE anything with ginger in it! Can't wait to try it! Thanks!

  13. I'm with you on the halibut. It is always a treat, since it is always so expensive. Normally I get my fish at Whole Foods, but I must admit, when I'm serving more that a few of us, I end up at Costco for a better deal with halibut. I'm planning a halibut dinner for my daughter's birthday in March. I use this excellent recipe I found in Gourmet.
    The one posted looks, as usual, beautiful and tasty.

  14. Great idea for the halibut my husband brought back from Alaska!


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!