
Postcard ~ From Home

Is it SPRING yet?
If only wishing could make it so...
or perhaps if we begin decorating as if it is!

At least it is finally mild enough to do a bit
of gardening before the rains return.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


  1. so pretty, good morning to you! its spring like here, but rumor has more rain coming. i am so sore i can barely move, weeding on all fours takes its toll on the elderly! have a great weekend, we just had a delish breakfast in the pavilion, and i wonder why i am so obese... paula dean recipe today, can you say butter?

  2. Good idea maybe if I take down all of my snowmen stuff and put up some spring things it will seem more like spring...
    I am so tired of winter!!!

  3. Beautiful! Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. What a beautiful wreath! Fresh snow here.

  5. Just wanted to stop by and say "Hello". I just discovered your blog via Clarice from Storybook Woods, and what a visual treat. Can't wait to try some of your recipes!

  6. Thank you for stopping by and leaving sweet comments!

    *gulp* more rain at my house today. :(

    Acorn Cottage, thank you! I'm heading over to your blog right now. :)

  7. Bonjour Petite Marie~
    I have been busy..and now am free..I love the new wreath!
    We have had snow for 2 days..

    which is best?
    We will LOVE our summer!

  8. Welcome back Monique! ~ I love, love, loved your birthday fest.
    Photos, food, good company & memories ~ c'est beau!!!


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!