
Smoky Cheddar Spritz Crackers

As we were growing up our mother would make Spritz Butter Cookies 
almost every year during the holidays, and also cheese 'straws'
throughout the year.  Maybe your mom or grandmother did as well?

My sister and I followed the same tradition as we started our own
families, we would decorate the cookies in all sorts of pretty ways 
and sometimes with colored cookie dough ~ 
They are a perpetual favorite and always look
so festive on the cookie tray.

Sadly, my cookie press finally went kaput after many
years of use, so when I saw good reviews about this set
made by OXO I was compelled to replace my old Mirro
metal version.  Plus, I fell for the pumpkin disk in
the Autumn set. :)

OXO's great reputation and all of the unique disk motifs, 
its' ease of use and care sold me. 

The press comes with 12 decorative disks; all of the traditional
ones I remember -

snowflake, heart, wreath, tree, buttercup, daisy, etc.
as well as some, new to me (all really cute!) :

shell, sunflower, fleur de lis, bear (little teddy bear!), leaf, butterfly

See more about the press and other disks below.


Of course you can use any cookie press or disk to make these
delicious cheese straw crackers, follow your favorite recipe or
choose the one I favor (it's over on my recipe blog, link below.)

This is my favorite recipe for a savory cracker using
the cookie press.

Like most all Spritz-type cookies the recipe is really simple, 
just a bit more involved than a shortbread dough.  

But for the cheese crackers I jazz mine up a little
by adding 1/4 teaspoon dry mustard powder and 1/4 teaspoon
Turmeric (it adds a very subtle warm flavor and nice color.)

Sometimes I mix it up by using Smoked Paprika (as I did this time)
instead of plain sweet paprika.  If you like them spicier, increase the
amount of cayenne pepper, or hot paprika.

Tip for crispy crackers:

I like these crackers to be crisp, but not brown,
so after baking and cooling all of the batches, 
I place them in a single layer on the baking sheets
and place in a 175ºF oven for a several minutes until they dry out a little,
they will crisp even further after cooling. Keep an eye on
them while they're in the oven so they don't turn dark. 

Alternately you can place in your oven set to 'warm', 
or the lowest temperature available and do the same.  

Either way you choose, do watch them as ovens vary.

When the crackers are crisp, I turn off the oven and leave
the oven door open just a bit until the crackers are completely cool,
then store in airtight containers for up to a week or so.

These are really good served on the cheese/fruit tray or along with
soup or a salad. They make a nice gift from the kitchen, too.

If you give them a try, I hope you enjoy!

A printable version of the recipe and tips can be found on
my recipe blog by clicking this link.


Additional Disks for the OXO Cookie Press

Also available separately are two sets of additional seasonal disks,
(six disks in each set):  

OXO Good Grips Cookie Press ~ Autumn or Springtime ~ Disk Sets

The Autumn set includes: 
Spider, Web, Owl, Turkey, Leaf and Pumpkin

The Springtime set includes:
Cherry Blossom, Rose, Love, Double Heart, Shamrock, Bouquet

(You can click the link above to learn more)

Thanks for coming by today, friends.

Bon Appetit!


Note:  The folks at OXO don't know who I am, (no compensation from them.)
I'm just sharing a product I like... I hope you like it, too.  :o)


  1. oh i love these, so adorable, i fear a shopping event is in my future! i used to make spritz every holiday when i was a kid too, the only ones i remember are the camel and tree, but the punkin is fabulous! love your styling too, very cute!

    i am just cleaning my bookshelves... ok procrastinating, i have so many books i have to purge for new ones, i fear the dust will kill me, every shelf i take a break; sees, computer, tv, and now i guess next the next shelf will be a visit amazon! clever to make it savory too instead of my red and green sprinkled camels~

    1. Hi Jain, I never have seen a CAMEL spritz cookie ~ but it makes sense esp. for Christmas time. When you're finished with your bookshelves, would you mind coming over here to lend a hand?! :)

  2. Aren't these fun and so delicious. I love this recipe and of course perfect anytime of the year and in any shape. But these little pumpkin shapes are adorable. Great recipe. I'll be sure to try it.

  3. These are darn cute! I wonder if additional disks can be purchased for mine...sounds like something to explore as these little crackers are a must!!

    1. Hi Kate, thank you I know they taste just the same no matter what the shape, but I love the additional seasonal designs!

  4. I must confess to having never made "Spritz" cookies. Spritz cookies never appealed to me. But I love the idea of a cheese spritz cracker. I think I have to have that Oxo Set. Thanks Mari for another great looking recipe. ~Ann

    1. If you give them a try, I hope you like them Ann. You probably already know this, but you can make the dough roll it into a log, wrap and chill, then slice into disks and bake. Works fine, especially if you don't want to fuss with the cookie press.

  5. I have never owned a cookie press but my mom did and made little wreaths and Christmas trees every holiday. What a sweet memory that is! She decorated them with red and green cherry bits and color sugars. I love all the little autumn shapes and may just have to give in to this temptation.

    1. Hi Cathy, the cookies you remember your mom making are just the way my mother decorated them. It seems to me they were very popular, slightly sweet with buttery goodness (and the cookie press made fast work of producing many cookies in a short amount of time ~ good for busy moms!) Must tell you once again, your new blog format is stunning!

  6. This does make for festive cracker. It would be great while serving appetizers. A good bottle of wine is in order too.
    Happy holidays.

    1. Hi Velva! I agree, they make a nice little crispy nibble to have with your beverage of choice. Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones ... can't wait to see what you're going to share with us this year!

  7. I'm not kidding! I just received this very OXO cookie spritz AND the autumn disks, and was hoping to make savory crackers. Lo and behold, you did it-- and the photos are drop dead gorgeous. Thank you for all the great tips!

    1. How timely Debby!! I think you'll have fun with your press ~ and who doesn't like homemade goodies? I like serving something a little different than you can buy off the shelf; for starters ~ you know exactly what goes into the recipe. Thank you for stopping by and your sweet compliments!

  8. I just bought a cookie press last year after seeing so many bloggers using one. It reminds me of my childhood also, and I will be making these for our Thanksgiving snacks. (Yes, the guys always want snacks while we wait for the turkey). Gorgeous pictures, and I just pinned! Love the pumpkin disk.

    1. Thank you Debbie! Same here, everybody looks forward to the little snacks and appetizers while waiting for the holiday feasts, it's all part of the celebration. :)

  9. I still have my Mirror:-)
    And a newer version..but no disks as cute as these..
    Thanks so much for the recipe..
    I only have made corn starch shortbreads..
    So love the sunflowers too:-)

    1. The cookie presses sure speed up the process of making treats Monique, and I can imagine your Alpha boys must like cookies!

      I don't think I've ever seen prettier shortbread than yours, especially the petite squares, pricked and cut so perfectly. Just beautiful!

  10. One of my best friends mother's made spritz cookies when I was young.
    I thought they were the best. How I love your cracker idea. Now somewhere
    I may still have a Mirro cookie press. I must go look.

    1. Marilyn, I think Spritz were some of my very favorites as well ~ I love the flavor and texture, pure and delicious. That Mirro cookie press was so popular, and a real workhorse. My mom had hers for years, back when things were made to last and last!

  11. I've never tried cheese straws but do use my cookie press all year. Your crackers look beautiful Mari and I'm popping over to see the recipe-Happy Halloween:@)

    1. Hi Lynn, thank you! I think almost everyone loves spritz cookies . . . I'm thinking there must even be a gluten-free workaround for those who are sensitive. I really like the sweet version too, along with a glass of milk, or a cup of tea or coffee... (or ice cream! Or eggnog . . . or . . . most anything!) Have a fun Halloween!

  12. What adorable little pumpkin crackers, I could gobble them up! Love your tips about making them crisp without browning too. I saw a cookie press with the discs at HomeGoods a few months ago for a great price and passed it up, now I'm kicking myself :)

    1. Hi Mary, Thank you for your kind words! Sometimes I so MISS not living in a more populated area any longer (HomeGoods is one of the main reasons!!) So I live vicariously through you and Jain and the other gals who have access to all of those wonderful things!)

  13. I would have fallen for the pumpkin disc too, so cute! I love cheese straws or little crackers, I will definitely try your method, thank you!

    1. Hi Jenna! I hope you love them too. Thank you for stopping by, always great to see you here! xo

  14. Mari, I still have my Christmas cookie spritz press, and would love to own this special one for the cute pumpkin spritz crackers. Love the spicy flavor, and the pretty color. Such a great job you did...I'm certain that they will be gobbled up so fast. Superb photos, as well! xo


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!