
Raspberry Cheesecake Ice Cream

My stars!

I love, love, love this one.
If you're looking for a recipe for heavenly ice cream,
I urge you to try this one.

I must say, I am not overly fond of cheesecake.
For example if we're dining out I'll usually choose anything
other than cheesecake if there is a choice.

I don't dislike it, in fact I have a killer recipe for cheesecake
that I've been making for years ~
but it's just not my favorite dessert. So I was
really surprised that I LOVE this ice cream, as
it's reminiscent of a delightful, not-too-sweet
raspberry cheese cake.

The ingredient list is short ~

a little cream cheese
whole milk
raspberry puree 
(I used frozen, unsweetened raspberries, pressed through a sieve)

Once you make it, you won't need a written recipe!

Now my mind is spinning, and I'm thinking of all
of the other fruit purees that could be used in place
of the raspberries... YUM!

I'm usually a "one scoop", or at the most
"two scoop" ice cream girl --- but not with this ice cream. :)

I'm thinking graham cracker sprinkles might be a
good finishing touch if you want to carry the
cheesecake theme, but absolutely not necessary.

I hope you'll give it a go.  And if you try it with another
pureed fruit, please let me know!

To get a printable copy of the recipe
click HERE to go to my recipe page.

Thanks for stopping by, and for any comments
you would like to share.

Have a delicious day!


I'm sharing on Foodie Friday


Pink Saturday !


  1. Every time I think I'm ready to put the ice cream maker away for the season I see another stunning recipe. The color of this one is so tempting I can't resist.

  2. Hi Susan, I hope you LOVE it. :D

    Hello Sue, me too. I was ready to put the machine back up on the shelf... then we began getting these temps in the upper 90's. It's that 'iffy' weather time of year. This one is so easy, no stovetop involved. (II'm so lazy sometimes!)

  3. I haven't used it once..
    I feel like using it now:) Right now..and I am soon going to bed:)
    Will make ..Pops off the screen!

  4. Monique, I hope you like it as much as we do. I'd love to hear what you think of it if you make it. xoxo

  5. I will be trying this for sure.

    I feel like you about cheesecake. I like it, but don’t make it. I cringe a little when the recipe says to add 2 pounds of cheese. I would never make it at home for fear of eating too much of it.

  6. What gorgeous color, I'm ready to lick the bowl! I'm not overly fond of cheesecake either but I'm sure I would love this ice cream version!

  7. Yes please! I'll make it on a day when my jeans are a little loose. LOL It's been so hot here, but now we are cool for a week. I'll be ready for the next heat wave. xo

  8. Too easy.
    Too dangerous.
    I must try NOW!

  9. i love cheesecake, sounds like i would double down on this one!

  10. Hi Madonna, I have your Pineapple Buttermilk ice cream on the top of my list to make. (I know. I must have odd taste ~ I really like buttermilk, although the thought of it makes some people gag!)

    Mary, glad to hear I'm not the only one! There is something about the frozen texture and 'lighter' flavor that makes me like this better than cheesecake. Thanks to you I've been browsing 'Southern Living' online ~ wow, they share some great recipes, like this one!

    Debbie, I hope you like it (I owe you for all of the great recipes you've shared throughout the years!) Same here, it's going to be cooling down on Sunday with chances of rain through out the next week ~ and later it's supposed to heat up again. Talk about fickle weather ~ so usual for this transition from summer to fall.

    Colette, yes ~ it IS too easy. I keep it in the garage freezer so I have to really make a concerted effort to 'sneak' some. ha!

    Hi Jain, well if you already like cheesecake then I'm fairly certain you'll love this! Hope your new kitties are adjusting well. I haven't seen a glimpse of the stray around here, hope she found a home...

    Happy Friday everyone!

  11. Oh yummm!
    I am not a cheesecake person either, but if served to me I will eat it and enjoy. Love all forms of ice cream and sorbets though.

  12. Mari, I just came back to tell you my credit card co. gave me a gift card because they are discontinuing their points program. I went right out and bought a food mill. I can't wait to mill the raspberries, and this recipe is on my list.

    Oh, and buttermilk - for the squeamish - if you will eat yogurt you will eat buttermilk.

  13. I like cheesecake and I love ice cream. It will be happy Pink Saturday every day with this.

  14. So pretty and I bet tasty in pink! HPS! Thanks for the share.

  15. This looks so easy and delicious! A must try!
    Thanks for the recipe and beautiful pics!

  16. Hi Marilyn ~ yes, when in doubt, ice cream usually does the 'trick'!

    Madonna, I'm hoping you'll find the food mill useful! It's one of those tools, that even if you don't use it very often ~ when you need it, you'll be very happy to have it at hand. Don't be surprised when you mill 'seedy' berries that you will have as much seed as pulp. Ditto on buttermilk/yogurt connection!

    Thank you Betsy!

    HPS to you as well Annesphamily! Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment. :-)

    Hi Linda, I think you'll like this one (and it's so easy, it's almost embarrassing.) xo

    Thank you for your comments friends! ~m.

  17. Guess what?
    Made it today and that's what Jacques said: " C'est un délice~".


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!