
Creamy Corn Soup with Fresh Basil (You can make it low-fat . . . or not)

With the crazy weather we've been having, one night it might be dinner 
from the grill, enjoyed al fresco, the next night it might 
be a warming bowl of soup to ward off the chill. 

Very unpredictable!

Damp, chilly weather is what prompted me to make this soup the other 
evening for dinner. 
 It's simple to put together and doesn't benefit from long 
simmering as some soups do, so it's good for a busy day.

Not one to strictly follow a recipe, particularly when it comes to soup ~ 
I don't use exact measurements, but the method I follow is 
nearly identical to this one, with the following changes: 

I use fresh corn, when in season (cut from the cob), 
or frozen organic corn when it isn't in season. 

You can reduce or omit the bacon in the recipe.

You may substitute another type of oil for the butter, 
and use skim, low-fat, or whole milk in place of the 
half and half (light cream.)  You can substitute
the dairy with additional stock if you prefer.

This time I pureed about 3/4 of the soup
(in blender, or using an immersion stick blender)
for a smoother texture.

Sometimes I garnish with fresh thyme, sliced scallions, 
diced red or green bell pepper, or a little grated cheddar cheese 
instead of the fresh basil.

If you give this one a try, I hope you love it!

The veggie garden would appreciate more sunshine ~
but apparently we're due for rain in the next few days.

The poor tomatoes and peppers aren't growing much,
but the cabbage plants love these overcast, cool days,
so that's the upside!  :o)

I hope you have a great weekend, friends!



  1. A l'Olivier is a coveted item here and luckily readily available when one wanders on to Jean -Talon..the market..Milano..etc..

    I say go for the bacon..we restrict ourselves in so many things..when it comes to bacon to enhance a soup..
    I say throw caution to the wind..
    Great idea for the upcoming fresh corn season here..

    My herbs..for now..are doing well.

    Time will tell..summer is never the same..
    School's out today..the weather could not be more perfect.. rain this w/e..

    Lovely photos Mary as always!

  2. That is one beautiful summer soup!


    P.S. with Google Reader retiring on June 30 what reader are you going to switch to? Just curious. I am trying

  3. Thank you Monique and Velva.

    Monique, same weather for us this weekend. I'm so happy the last day of school and first day of summer is glorious for your boys! (Me, too, with the bacon.) ;)

    Velva, I do not have a clue where I'm going to turn. If you have any suggestions I welcome them. I've grown so accustomed to g. reader, I'm sure I'll be lost without it.

    Happy first day of summer!

  4. I signed up with Bloglovin' Mary..and Velva..

    So may blogs were recommending it..

    It took this 59 yr old a few tries..but so far it works..

    Let me know if you need help:)

  5. Oh, thank you so much for the suggestion Monique. I'm going to try it. Merci, my friend! xo

  6. Mari, I love soups year round and this one looks amazing.

    Thank you so much for your sweet email. I have not had a chance to return emails, trying to help my DS and his family as much as possible and my DH has not been well either. Will email you soon but I do appreciate your sweet email.


  7. Mari, I am new to your blog. I can't figure out how to get to this soup recipe. My mouth is watering for this delicious looking soup and can't get to it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much. By the way your photographs are gorgeous.

  8. Carolyn, you are so welcome. You all have been on my mind and in my prayers! It sounds like John might be making some improvements? I hope so. God Speed to Walter, too. xo

    Hi Deborah, Welcome! Thank you for pointing this out -- it appears as if the link was broken. I believe I've fixed it.
    If you'll click on the link (blue highlighted: "to this one"), just after the third photo down, it will open a new window with the recipe.

    Thank you for your comments! ~m.

  9. "Reduce or omit the bacon" - don't you mean "Add more bacon if you'd like"

  10. Love this soup especially for the crazy weather we had. I want to make a batch of this during corn season. Yum!

  11. Mari,

    I plan to make this soup this week but I have one question, approximately how many ears of fresh corn did you use? I am more inclined to use fresh corn too since our veggie markets have so much right now.

    Have you ever used Beecher's cheese? It is located up in your area or not too far and their cheddar's are amazing. I used to order from them direct but am now finding it in my local grocery. I have Beechers cookbook too and it's an excellent book, LOVE their mac and cheese using their cheeses that they call for.



Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!