
Spaghetti (or Fettuccine) with Brown Butter Sauce

Yes, it's an easy, no brainer classic that I adore. :)

Goes together in well under 30 minutes:
Just make the brown butter, cook the pasta al dente,
sprinkle the cheese over the hot, drained pasta and
pour the browned butter over all and toss, then serve hot.
I usually add a little of the hot water from the pasta
pot to loosen the sauce a little. 

It's soo good!
I usually serve this alongside grilled fish or chicken ~
unless I am making a variation of the recipe (adding
cooked shrimp, fish, or chicken to the noodles, see more
suggestions listed below.)  If you're cutting carbs the sauce
also works well with cooked Spaghetti squash.

This is another of those simple recipe that I
keep in my head.  However, I prepare the recipe
nearly the same way as this one , except I usually
add a little of the caramel colored milk solids from the
bottom of the pan to the noodles (personal preference.)
This time I added some finely grated lemon zest and served
little lemon slices so each one can add a squeeze if they wanted to.

If you cannot find the Greek Mizithra cheese,  grated Romano,
Ricotta Salada, or Parmesan can be substituted in a pinch.

Yum, I love this stuff!

Never made a Brown Butter Sauce, or need to improve your technique?

Elise at Simply Recipes shares a wonderful picture tutorial on the subject.

And Mark Bittmann offers up at least a dozen variations for
Pasta with Butter sauce. You may want to check out 
his suggestions over on his web site. 

The following are just some examples to launch from this simple buttered
spaghetti (or fettuccine) dish.

Add in one or a couple of the following:

Sage (or any favorite fresh herb or a mixture) and Parmesan
Vegetables, Cream and Parmesan
Parmesan and pancetta, coppa, prosciutto or regular ham
Frozen peas, thawed
Toasted almonds, walnuts or pistachios
Thinly sliced garlic cloves
Blanched broccoli or cauliflower
Soft fried eggs, chopped
Roasted garlic cloves, mashed
Cooked prawns, salmon, or chicken, etc.

There are so many ideas and I'm sure you can come up
with lots of your own as well.

But it's really delicious just plain as in the original recipe 
(and kids happen to love it that way, too!)

Thank you for stopping by today ~
I hope you have a wonderful week ahead.

Blessings ~ Mari xo


  1. This sounds lovely! I love brown butter...this is a must-try very soon!

  2. This post is so full of options!!All delicious of course.

  3. Hi Betsy and Val!

    Thanks for your sweet comments ~ honestly, this is one of those recipes you can put together in just a few minutes but the pay-off is terrific!

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving such nice comments! xo

  4. Mari, this is my favorite pasta dish. I have been making this since I had it at Spaghetti Factory in 1980. I add garlic to my brown butter, sprinkle with lots of mizithra, then chiffonade basil and cut grape tomatoes in half on top. So delicious, so easy, and so fresh tasting with the raw tomato. Sometimes, if I have green onions, I will even thinly slice them over the pasta.
    I enjoy your blog so much!

  5. I love pasta..this is one of our go-to's:)
    Well very similar:)

    last night I overdid it..w/ scallops over a ricotta lemon pasta:)

    It was required..

    Love seeing your posts:)


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!