
Challah (with dough from the Bread Machine)

Although I've made many loaves of Challah in my life, I had never
used my bread machine to make the dough until recently.

After seeing many positive reviews for this recipe I gave it
a try.  The recipe makes enough dough for two 
braided loaves, but I made one braided loaf and
formed the remainder of the dough into Challah rolls
by forming the dough into balls, then baking them
in well greased muffin tins. 

I added about 1/2 cup or so more flour than the recipe
stated, taking note I (along with a few other reviewers) determined the dough was 
too sticky to handle otherwise. With the additional flour it turned out very well.

Over time I've found it truly helps to read the reviews for a recipe
when they are available, in order to pick up pointers for changes or improvements.

I know, I know, it is not proper to cut the Challah
with a knife (the knife, being a symbol of violence/death 
should not be present at the peace of the Jewish sabbath), 
rather the bread should be torn. 
However, when the bread is a day old I love to toast it, so I slice it.

I coated the top with the traditional egg wash, and 
applied sesame seeds (optional.)


Have you ever attempted to sprinkle sesame seeds, 
poppy seeds, sunflower seeds, etc. to the top 
of bread or rolls before baking only to have most 
of them bounce off of the egg washed surface?

That used to happen to me all  the time, until I learned
this neat trick from a baker a few years ago:

1. Pour the amount of seeds or nuts you will be using into a small, shallow bowl or saucer.

2. Apply egg, milk or water wash to the top of the formed dough.

3. Slightly moisten the fingers of your dominant hand with water or milk and dip (the flat, palm side of) your fingers into the seed/nut bowl; 
(the seeds will stick to your fingers.)

4. Gently press your (seed coated fingers) onto the surface of the dough, they will adhere to the dough and release from your fingers.
Repeat until the surface is coated as you like.

As if by magic the seeds/nuts will stick, and you will have very few
wasted seeds. It's a great tip, and I hope you'll give it a try
the next time you need to apply seeds or nuts to your

Thank you for stopping by today, friends!
If you try this recipe and/or technique for the seed topping, 
I hope you'll be pleased with the results.

Blessings to all!



  1. That's a good tip:)I do get seeds everywhere:)

    Caroline made Challah too w/ her machine for our Christmas eve dinner..I should compare the was delicious yours I bet..Just tried a different loaf from a book I received from a friend for Christmas..Interesting and different..I'll share it soon..
    Hope your Christmas was lovely..

  2. your Challah is perfect..I baked some Sweet Suturday breads and they were wonderful...I have to try Challah... hugs, Flavia

  3. Your Challah is gorgeous!!! And if I ever try it, I'll be sure and remember your tip!

  4. Le résultat est sous nos yeux... Superbe !

    Gros bisous et tous mes voeux pour 2013.

  5. Mari! Hello, my friend. I love the idea of making challah dough in the bread machine. It makes for great toast and even better French toast!

    Thank you, thank you!



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