
Postcard ~ Near Home

Yesterday . . .

just around the bend . . .

from home.

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend everyone!


  1. That looks like the field just south of your place. Is it? Great photography, Mary. Makes us miss the green and trees beyond the Sea of Cortez. Love you, Sis...

  2. Hi and thank you, Christine... I'm happily following your blog now. Thanks for stopping by to leave a comment.

    Hey Bro! Good to hear from you, you're back within range!! So, I hope all is well in the Sea of Cortez !!! ((hugs))

    Right on. They are bringing the cows in (from eastern OR ) to feast on the Spring grass... the newborn calves are soo precious. These pictured are of those first to arrive... many more to follow.

    When I drive to town I am usually surprised to see how the cows & calves have been herded for their daily grazing. Sometimes they are CLOSE to the road, other times they look like minute pin dots on a map... so distant from the road.

    I love to see the calves with their mamas. Ya, I could easily give up eating beef...

  3. Looks like spring to me! Gorgeous Mary~

  4. Beautiful! Wishing you a happy, relaxing Sunday...

  5. We are having a fabulous relaxing Sunday...I love the pictures, I can feel the bright sunny weather hitting Beaverton OR. any minute.

  6. How lucky your are to be able to see this everyday!

  7. You live in paradise my friend! Beautiful!

  8. Lovely Oregon. Lived in Salem in my single Disc Jockey days! Pretty wet, but oh-so-green! Hey Mari I nominated you for best Food Blog here;
    I hope you win. You deserve to!


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!