
Powder Puffs ~ Powder Puff Cookies Laura Calder

Every lady I knew while I was growing up carried a pretty, slim, little container called a "compact" in their handbag. The compact held pressed (not loose) face powder and a thin powder puff applicator nestled on top of the pressed powder cake.
It was just not fashionable to be seen with a shiny forehead, nose or chin in those days.   ;)
So recently, as I watched Laura Calder make these darling little Powder Puffs on The Cooking Channel, it reminded me of Mom's powder puff in her compact--- and I could not resist making  them.

Who can turn down raspberry jam and vanilla-flavored whipped cream sandwiched between two soft, spongy, slightly chewy little cakes?

I used agave-sweetened Marionberry jam this time rather than the Raspberry jam ~ it worked perfectly.
The cake batter is slightly reminiscent of Madeleine batter, except there is no butter in this recipe.

After the simple batter is mixed, tablespoonfuls are dropped  on a parchment lined baking sheet, and baked in a hot oven for only 5 to 7 minutes. 

When finished baking they are removed to a cooling rack. After they have cooled the jam and vanilla whipped cream
is layered between two cookies-- and placed bottom to bottom.

I found it surprising that the sweets then need to sit for an hour or so, in which time the little cakes turn from slightly hard to softer and  spongy, and that's just the way they are meant to be.

Be forewarned... you might find it difficult to eat just one, but that's okay because the recipe yields about 16 Powder Puffs.

If you would like a copy of the recipe you'll find it on my recipe blog HERE.

Thank you so much for stopping by today, and if you feel like leaving a comment I would love it!  ~m.


  1. Those are beautiful - and yes, they do look like powder-puff compacts!

  2. I remember compacts and powder puffs! And, I know that I will not be able to resist making these for long...

  3. How darling these compact cookies are! I'm so glad that this temptation isn't right under my nose -- don't think I could possibly resist!

  4. Your Powder Puffs are my kind of sweet. I'd go for this over anything chocolate! I have got to try my hand at these. Your photos are, as always, beautiful! Mmmmmm. :-)

  5. they are stunning, you take the BEst pictures, what I would give to eat a dozen of these...:-)

  6. Mari,

    These are absolutely wonderful looking. You take the most amazing photographs. They could be in magazines.


  7. What darling powder puffs. I enjoy Laura Calder too. It's wonderful that we can get her on the US channel now.

    I well remember power puffs from my childhood too. Somehow the beauty industry convinced women it was shameful to have a shiny nose. I wonder what happened to that notion.

  8. I do indeed remember those pressed powder days. It would have been difficult to find a purse without a compact in it. Wonderful photos, Mari. Who could resist making these divine little cookies.

  9. Remember my Mom's compact - thank goodness we've passed the shiny face beauty restriction - now we can be our natural beautiful selves.

    Just printed out the recipe - getting new stove and this will be the first to bake.

    Gorgeous photography.

  10. So cute! I remember the smell..the look and the feel of my mom's comapct and powder puff..although I did not see this episode I can HEAR laura showing the recipe..I like her little energy:)

    Thanks Mary..beautiful as always..

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I still have a compact, new in the box!

    They look delightful, Mary!

  13. Thank you so much for your comments, friends. And I'm so happy to know that I'm not the only one who remembers pressed powder compacts.

  14. Mary, I also saw that episode.

    Laura Calder is one of my favour Food Network personalities. I thought that she was just on the Canadian network.

    Your cookies look even better than Laura's.


  15. they are so cute, but one problem, who can wait an hour!

  16. These are so pretty and they sound good too. Do you ever have anything turn out "ugly"? It seems that everything you make is so perfect!

  17. So aptly named! I remember those little compacts and the powder puffs and when powdering one's nose meant more than just that.

    I like that there is no butter in these jam filled cookies. I can't wait to give them a try.

    Thanks Mari!

  18. OMG...I have a boy here who would gladly eat all 16 of these...
    They look smashing! Thanks for another gorgeous recipe Mary!

  19. I love the name of these cookies. It sounds so appealing and cute. Your cookies look delicious.

  20. Those are beautiful! They look delicious. And I still carry a compact. :)

  21. Oh my goodness - the raspberry jam and cream between those two delicious cookie layers - oh my goodness - they just look like pure heaven!! I think I just gained 10 pounds drooooling over them!

  22. I love the name of these cookies! Your photos are always top notch!


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!