
Chicken Tacos

Hi Friends!
After a sluggish start, summer is finally coming into full swing here. Yay!
Today we expect temperatures to reach triple digits for the first time this year. That's unusual because we always have a few of those hot days sprinkled throughout June, but not this year... the veggie garden missed that jump start and the tomatoes and squash are slow to develop because of the cooler weather.

Does your appetite change with the seasons? Our appetites sure do. As the temperature rises we prefer (actually crave) lighter foods and meals that are fast and easy to prepare, like these shredded chicken tacos.
How I wish those tomatoes were freshly plucked from our garden, not quite yet ~
but soon!

This time I used boneless, skinless chicken breasts which I had cooked early in the day, then refrigerated until taco time. (You can shred the chicken right after cooking or shred just before reheating when you're ready to assemble the tacos.) Incidentally, this is a wonderful way to use leftover chicken, or a store-bought rotisserie chicken.
When reheating the leftover chicken for the tacos I like to add additional flavor, so I saute some slivered/sliced onion (as little or as much as you like), in a little oil until translucent, then add the shredded chicken along with a bit of oregano and a couple of tablespoons of chicken broth then toss to heat, then season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

This time I used white corn tortillas, but yellow corn, flour, or your favorite variety of wraps are delicious too. Fill them up with the warmed chicken & onion, a little shredded cheese, shredded or leaf lettuce, and salsa (fresh or from the jar). I adore cilantro so I always add extra, a sprinkle of fresh oregano, and a squeeze of lime.
Of course you can add a dollop of sour cream (or plain yogurt), sliced green onions, diced avocado, or any of your favorite taco additions.
Simple and delicious on a hot day!
Thank you for stopping by friends~ I hope you're having a wonderful day.


  1. Lovely tacos, we too are having cool weather these days...I enjoy it!

  2. I just came upon your blog, and what a wonderul disocvery! These chicken tacos, along with everything else I've scrolled through, look mouth watering and abolutely beautiful via your fantastic photos.

    Speaking of weather - in the 100's in the NYC-Metro srea..melting!

  3. Just delicious...I could sure go for some of these tonight!

  4. You've prepared one of my favorite meals, Mari, and I'm wishing I had that delicious plate for dinner tonight. I'm so happy our weather is finally improving, but it sounds like it may go a big overboard this week. But whatever it takes to ripen those tomatoes.

  5. they look so delish! wish i would have made that instead of pasta.

  6. As always Mary, you are tempting me with your magnificent photos. No one makes a meal look more appetizing than you.


  7. It's hard to plate tacos and photograph them to make them look appealing, at least for me. Yours make me want to reach into the screen.

  8. My appetite definitely changes with the seasons and temperature! At the moment, in Australia, it's cold and it's so much harder to eat healthily. Can't wait till Summer/Spring rolls around and I can have my favourite dishes like these and salads and banana smoothies :)

  9. It was 102* here today and I would have loved that plate of food tonight for dinner....it looks so cool and refreshing!

  10. Our appetites certainly change with the weather! LIGHT, cool meals are what we love in the summer! The tacos look wonderful. It is VERY hot here in Pa. 103 yesterday and 101 today....too hot for me! XO, Pinky

  11. So glad I stopped by your site today. I was hoping to make carnitas for dinner, saw this recipe, and then noticed your recipe blog. LOVE IT! Thanks for posting your recipes.

  12. Hey Sis, I'm passing this one on to Nicole. She has a chicken taco recipe, but I suspect she'll modify hers after seeing this.

  13. Lovely photos and the tacos look so good. Amazing colors too.

  14. These look wonderful...thanks for sharing!!!

  15. Hello! Just wanted to let you know that long before I began blogging that I would be a frequent visitor to your blog. I was enchanted by your painted cookies and tried them for my self. That was so much fun. Today, my daughter, niece, nephew and I painted some flowers, I set a tablescape and blogged about it. I mentioned you as my inspiration and put a link back to your blog.
    Thanks for being an inspiration,

  16. Forgot! Here's the link to the post, if you'd like to see.


  17. We've had a triple digit heatwave, too. Takeout has been my new best friend ;-) But these tacos may bring cooking back into my kitchen.

    Thanks and stay cool!

  18. Hi, Mari!
    These look so wonderfully refreshing and delicious. I've been struggling with finding things I want to cook in this heat...I should have known you'd have something lovely!

  19. Tacos are always great to make in the heat!


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!