
Thank you Elizabeth!

Oh my!
Have you ever received a surprise which simply took your breath away?

Last week my sweet friend Elizabeth of Gossamer Wings surprised me by announcing I had won her Valentine's give away on her blog. I was stunned.

When the box arrived and I opened it ~a double treat!
My heart truly skipped a beat.
I found the most beautifully and carefully wrapped gifts.

In jewel colors with such lovely attention to detail.

And such a fabulous array of gifts ~ personally chosen by Elizabeth. *heart*
I adore every single one and can't wait to put everything to good use. :)
But first ~ I just had to share Elizabeth's wonderful generosity with you.

I hope you'll go visit Elizabeth's delightful blog ~ Gossamer Wings you will find that she is a true bon vivant.
So talented in many ways; a beautiful wife and mother, an excellent cook and baker, a very fine seamstress, with such a terrific sense of style and I love reading about the time she and her family spent living in France, and visits since. She is a treasure, and continues to live a very interesting life.
Elizabeth, thank you so very much for such a fabulous surprise box. I'm so happy our paths have crossed, and I'm so pleased that you're blogging!


  1. Mari,
    Just wanted you to know I gave you an award today. I am fairly new to blog land so I hope this is not too hokey. I love your site!

  2. What magnificent gifts, and they are so exquisitely wrapped! I can tell by the way you are writing about it that you are overwhelmed with gratification!

  3. Oh how fun! I never win anything. :) Congrats!

  4. Many congratulations to you and WOW what an amazingly talented lady Elizabeth is. I am off to her blog :-).

  5. Lovely!!! I must go visit her blog!

  6. Mary..all those pretty things say you:) That's the little pocket WS thingie I mentioned to you!

    Doesn't it remind you of your mini pies:)?Congratulations..Yay~!

  7. Packages are fun to receive! The treasures in your package are delightfully fun!!

  8. Congrats on your win! Enjoy the beautiful gifts from Elizabeth!

  9. Be still my heart. Anyone who wraps packages like this...I have to visit her blog! What a wonderful treat for you!


  10. I agree. The gift wraps are a gift of their own. Simply lovely! Wonderful gifts within too. I have the pocket pie molds. Great fun to use. Enjoy!

  11. Oh my goodness, this took MY breath away and it isn't even mine!!!:):) Beautifully wrapped gifts tell that the sender TRULY cares! Congratulations to you but you sure deserve it all! Now I will go visit Elizabeth at her blog! XO, Pinky

  12. This looks like..."what goes around, comes around", brightness and love!

    Congrats! I have to go check out her site now.


  13. deserve all those pretties Mary!
    How lovely...I am so happy for you!

  14. Oh my dear friend, what a wonderful surprise and a gift that is so perfect for one as kind and loving as you. You make me smile BIG!


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!