
Postcards ~ Late May Garden Part I

Thank you for stopping by! Things have been a little hectic around my house for the past few days, so I haven't had much time in the kitchen.

Sometimes life steps in, and I have to take a step away from the blog...
(pssst... thanks to Jain for reminding me)
But I'll be back soon!

I have plenty to share in the coming days. :)

I hope these photos from the garden bring a little pleasure.


I hope you each have a wonderful day. :) xo~m.


  1. I always love your garden postcards. Some times a little blogging break is in order.I look forward to seeing all your beautiful food and garden photos when you come back.
    Take care,

  2. I love your garden cards too.
    I love all your blog all the time.
    I think a little rest is due:)

    Thinking of you.

  3. I always love your garden photos - they make me wistful for lazy days 'watching' the gardens grow! Beautiful!l

    Hope all is well at home. Keeping your & your family in my thoughts...

  4. Your garden photos are exquisite!

  5. Miss you Mary...your flowers are so beautiful...
    my peonies are all lieing on the ground from the rain...the Iris too...
    Take good care!


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!