
Grilled Chicken and Kumquat Kabobs with Citrus Marinade

Kumquats make such a lovely bush or topiary, with the added bonus of edible citrus fruit. Unlike other sweet citrus, it is the orange skin/rind of the kumquat which is sweet, the flesh is tart.

The potted tree lives quite happily outdoors from April to September or October in my climate, I winter it indoors near a bright window. After enjoying the fragrant blossoms small bright orange oval shaped fruits follow.

I harvest the crop a few at a time and incorporate them into a few recipes like this one. (They keep quite well left on the topiary for a couple of months.)

Boneless skinless chicken chunks marinated with a grapefruit, orange, and lime juices, a touch of honey (or Splenda) and a small amount of olive oil, then skewered with red onion, sweet red & green bell peppers and the kumquat halves are grilled until the chicken is cooked through.

Served on a bed of brown rice; I made extra citrus marinade and stemed the rice by substituting some of the citrus marinade for the water. It adds a pleasantly subtle nuance to the nutty flavor of the rice.

Along with some baby spinach and a scallion for each, with a mild viniagrette drizzle.

It was an easy and delicious dinner for Father's Day.

Have a healthy and delicious day!


  1. Beautiful photos..especially the Kumquat:) I have never had one..
    It is a National Holiday today and it's just nice to peruse your blog again:)

    Over and over again~

  2. Mari, I have to tell you, your pictures only get better and better!

  3. Those kabobs sound good.I like trying new foods all of the time. If you would like to see the collection of tips and recipes I have for grilling you can visit

  4. This looks really delicious. I love grilled chicken kebabs, and the addition of the citrus marinade sounds perfect. I had fresh kumquats for the first time a couple of months ago - I love them! I wonder if I could grow a kumquat tree here...

    Gorgeous photos, as always, Mari -

  5. Thank you everybody!

    I hope to have more time to get back to my blogging and visiting all of your blogs very soon. Thank you for stopping by and leaving such sweet words! xo~m.

  6. Your kabobs are so pretty! I love the idea of adding kumquats too. Your tree is gorgeous.

  7. Mari, a friend just gave me a Kumquat and I LOVED it. Darn! 70 years old and never had a kumquat. Gonna make up for lost time.
    And I will add kumquat recipes to my family recipe web site
    Now, off to the store so we can have these chicken and kumquat kabobs tonight. Then I'l wander around in here a little more...
    Carl DeCook


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