
Gaufrettes ~ French-style Waffle Cookies with Salted Caramel Filling

Not quite authentic, but close enough for me...

Tender-crisp vanilla waffle cookies with cinnamon caramel filling and a kiss of coarse sea salt ~ they are very easy to make if you have a stovetop or electric pizelle iron.
Simply mix up the thick dough, allow it to rest, then roll into balls and bake in the hot pizelle maker.

The filling is simply brown sugar, a little corn syup, butter, cinnamon and coarse sea salt, cooked to the soft ball stage on a candy thermometer.

The thin, rich caramel filling stays soft ~ these cookies are superb with a cup of hot coffee or tea.

If you would like the recipe, there is a printable version my alternate blog
Once Upon a Plate, The Recipes.

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. OMG Mary. I shouldn't have looked here tonight. Those cookies are just so decadent. Love, love your photos.

  2. Oh those look wonderful! I'll be looking for the recipe Wednesday, but in the meantime, I have to be looking for a pizelle maker. laurie

  3. They look beautiful and sound delicious! I have the electric maker..I will come back for the recipe..
    How are you, Mary? I haven't heard from you in a long time..

  4. Mari, when I saw these it reminded me of the stroopwaffels we ate in Holland during visits with my sister. Sticky and delicious! Can't wait to try them. I even have a pizelle maker!

  5. These look scrumptious. I remember eating them hot off the presses while in Delft. Yours are beautiful.

  6. Hi Mari, oh these look so good, I could just eat one for breakfast right now with my cup of tea :-). Happy Wednesday, Kathy.

  7. These look amazing! I want some right now! I may have to buy a pizelle maker!

  8. Oh, these do sound like they'd be so good with a cup of coffee!

  9. oh my, i need these in a bad way... they are fantastic!


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