
Amazing Taste Seasonings

I was surprised and honored to have been contacted through my blog recently by Amazing Taste Foods, Inc. from Malibu, California to sample and review their seasoning products.

I was interested to learn that Amazing Taste Foods was founded by
Dr. Ghazi Taki (Food Scientist), and Adam Taki, Co-Founder.

I was very pleased when the very generous box of seasoning packets arrived ~ along with several colorful recipe cards.

The unique concept behind the Amazing Taste seasonings is that they can be sprinkled (or rubbed directly on the meat), the added bonus is that the seasonings can be blended with 2 tablespoons each of olive oil

and water and used as a marinade.

Each of the seasoning varieties are all natural, are low in sodium, only 1 gram of carbohydrates per serving and contain NO MSG.

Each packet cost only 99 cents, and contain enough seasoning for 2 to 4 pounds of protein.

I had quite a time deciding which one to try first ~ I chose the Poultry seasoning, sprinkled on chicken thighs, and baked them in the oven.

I was very pleased at how simple the preparation was, how nicely the chicken browned to an appealing color, and how moist the chicken remained. I was pleasantly surprised that the seasoning enhanced, but did not overpower the flavor of the chicken.

And the aroma while the chicken was baking was wonderful! The chicken was delicious.

Here is a photo so you can see the varieties available:

If you're looking for a fast and simple way to add variety to your meals,
I believe that you'll like Amazing Taste seasons!

The seasonings can be found in the meat and seafood departments nationwide at the following stores~

My sincere thanks to Sara at Amazing Tastes Foods for contacting me and offering such a generous gift of seasonings!


You can find out more about Amazing Taste Foods, Inc. at


  1. What an honor. The chicken looks yummy. I'll watch for more testing.

  2. Your chicken looks fantastic, Mari. And what a timesaver. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll watch for these spices in my grocery store. And using them for marinades is an excellent idea, especially with grilling season coming up.

  3. Mari your photos are fabulous!

    My only "darn" is they don't sell the product at any store near me.

  4. It's so much fun to get products in the mail like this! They have a good variety of seasonings and your chicken plate looks delish!

  5. How nice that you got to experiment a little! The chicken looks delicious. How handy can you get?! :D

  6. Wow! Your food looks delicious. No wonder they contacted you. Your photographs make me hungry!

  7. Hi...thanks for sharing the info on these's always nice to find a different way to cook something! ;-) Bo

  8. It looks amazing! he he. Seriously, I love these seasonings also. I just tried the malibu seasoning on a london broil and we loved how tender the meat was and how flavorful!

  9. looks fab mary, but congrats on them finding YOU!


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