
Postcard ~ Tulips!

Do you enjoy planting flowering bulbs in the fall?

I do.

I truly enjoy the anticipation of beautiful surprises in spring.

This photo is actually from last spring, as tulips here in my Oregon garden will not bloom until May,

A full month or two behind my California gardens to which I'm much more accustomed ... but it is a fun gardening challenge here.

I always can use a cheerful image to remind me
of the promise of SPRING!

. . .

And by now you've probably guessed that I spent the day in the garden;

Weeding, trimming and enjoying the return of the song birds.

(And I have nothing to share from my kitchen today.)

But I will... SOON.

Thank you for stopping by, I truly appreciate your comments ~

I hope you have a lovely day, too!


  1. What a beautiful picture!
    I love tulips!

  2. Mari~

    Spring is a comin' !!!

    I still see patches of snow, BUT...

    your tulips lead the way!

  3. Oh Mary, Absolutely gorgeous picture. I love tulips. We are at least one month behind here on the west coast of Canada.

  4. When I first saw the photo I was shocked, "How could she possibly already have tulips?" I thought. Oh, you have a memento from last year. They'll be even more gorgeous this year. What a great picture to bring on the anticipation of beautiful blooms!

  5. They are so beautiful. The deer eat all of mine so I do not plant them anymore....too depressing to go out and see all the flowers buds gone right before they open.
    Thinking of you today Mary....((hug))

  6. I love tulips. The are my favorite flower! And I love your photos - you have such a great eye!! :D


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!