
Foodie Friday ~ Irish Coffee!

With great thanks to Designs By Gollum
for hosting Foodie Fridays!
Please check out Michael's Blog for
links to all of this weeks entrants.

Actually Michael was my inspiration for

this Fridays post!

When she recently mentioned Irish Coffee ~

I immediately wanted to prepare a couple for us.

So I did.

Served with Raspberry Finger Sandwiches ~
Fresh Raspberry Spread on Vanilla Poundcake. :)

Thank you for stopping by !

Happy St. Patrick's Day ~ a little early.


  1. very sweet mary, its all about the sugar for me!

  2. Yum... I hope there are extra sandwiches! Happy Foodie Friday!~ Susan

  3. YUMMY Pass me a mug girl..Happy Foodie Friday to you...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  4. That looks like a treat...and the little sandwiches sound yummy. Linda

  5. I don't drink coffee, but this might just change my mind! It's beautiful!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. I am drooling right now your irish coffee and sweet sandwiches look so delicious, Kathy.

  7. How funny, I have an empty mug at my post just waiting for this! The raspberry finger sandwiches look delicious. Kathy

  8. Yummm, great idea & I'm in love with the finger sandwiches! ☺

  9. Keep that drink hot for me. I'm coming right over..
    What a beautiful post!

  10. Please, pass me a mug and some of those finger sandwiches, too! This is a beautiful presentation, and your photos are so good. Love their soft edges, Mari.

    Happy FF and St. Pat's, too!


    Sheila :-)

  11. Winter has tricked us and made one last attack at our house. Snuggling in with this, a fire, and a good book sound just perfect. Lovely photos!

  12. I adore clear pedestal coffee mugs. It looks so decadent and rich.

  13. Hi Mari, I drink Irish coffee once a year. Some little tea sandwiches would go very nicely! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  14. Boy, do I ever wish I was your neighbor. LOL. Just to SEE your food would be great but to eat and drink! That would be awesome! Beautiful photos!

  15. Beautiful! The coffee and sandwiches look delicious. :D Jewel

  16. Now that is a perfect treat. The little sandwiches look scrumptious!

  17. I don't drink coffee, but pass me the raspberries and the pound cake sandwiches. Yum! Thanks for sharing this yummy item today! Happy Friday!

  18. Thanks for the great dessert!
    We're going to have beef fillet tonight. What's better than Irish coffee as a dessert, nami, nami!

    ps. I'm Finnish, living expat life in year to go..then - don't know yet!

  19. Irish Coffee looks so good!

  20. This is a dream of a drink, and the wee biscuits are divine. My whipped cream is either limp or knotty; I can't get it right, so I am loving this picture. I have a pot of cold coffee on the counter, and after I finish Kathy's Guinness and Helen's grasshoppers, I'm making Irish coffee.

  21. Beautiful! I might use that finger sandwich "recipe". :) Kelly

  22. Looks good, Mary..I like mine virgin..but dh adds Baileys to his recipe..Why not? :)

  23. Everything always looks so appetizing Chez Mary~

    But..I guess you've been told that before:)
    I still love the chickens.
    They are not a flash in the pan:)

  24. Mari, this looks so good! It's cold and rainy here today - and Irish coffee would be just the ticket! And how beautiful are your photos???! You have given me so much inspiration to improve mine. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! :D

  25. Irish coffee?!!? I want one!

    Beautiful as usual, Mari, you genius!

  26. Beautiful pictures. Love the idea of strawberry sandwiches. laurie

  27. Ooops! you had raspberry sandwiches. That sounds good too! laurie

  28. I could use this right about now - your pics are spectacular! So appetizing! ~ Robyn

  29. this last picture.......

    says it all.

    I'll take it early any way you want to serve it!

  30. This is a drop-dead gorgous blog. And now, you have me looking up poound cake recipes to make the finger sandwiches ... and Irish coffee - a blast from my past and what a nice reminder it is.

  31. What beautiful photos! Now I thoughts of heading down to the liquor store and it's 10:00am on a Sunday. Should I feel funny about that? Love the mugs. What a great idea for the tea sandwiches. I just made some Amaretto cake, maybe I could bring that over if you'll make me a coffee?


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!