
Asparagus-Sesame Spoons

I really like this little amuse bouche, it's light and fresh and won't spoil appetites.

I based the recipe on a favorite of mine by Ina Garten; she tosses raw Sugar Snap Peas with deep, dark Asian sesame oil then sprinkles with sesame seeds.

Using the same idea, I quickly blanched diagonally sliced fresh aspargus, then plunged the slices and tips into an ice water bath to stop the cooking and retain the bright green color.

Drain very well, then toss with a little dark sesame oil. Distribute evenly between the porcelain spoons, then sprinkle with a few sesame seeds (black or white.)

You could add a little fresh, grated ginger and/or a few drops of soy sauce if you like ~ but the fresh asparagus flavor is so delightful, I just served it very simply.

It was another dish for our Darling Bakers Superbowl Appetizer event.

If you make this one, I hope you like it.


  1. My first thought was "How is Mari going to make spoons out of asparagus?" Ha! I knew you could do it, though. What a nice little appetizer and they look so pretty as do all of your food!

  2. These look so elegant and delicious!

  3. Asparagus Green on a blue and white spoon..:) What's NOT to love?


  4. Mari, this looks so gorgeous. I love anything with sesame oil! Your asparagus looks so fresh and appetizing. I love the blue background!

  5. Mari - Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. Also for your help in posting photos and being able to enlarge! I would never have been saavy enough to figure it out! I must also say that I just love love love your blog! It will become one of my favorites to go to for recipe ideas! Hugs!!

  6. Mari when I come here to your blog I just sigh because it always looks so delicious and peaceful in here. Your pictures are beautiful as always.

  7. omg, i LOVE the new look, its a killer good pic for me... i need it!

    and then the asparagus are just adorable, i love'm. looks so fresh and purty here mary!

  8. Mary...that cake in the header is killer! You know me and veggies, but they do LOOK pretty! :)

  9. Oh my gosh, Mari, I want to reach into my computer screen and take a little cake. What a beautiful photo (but I say that every time youo post).

    I bought asparagus yesterday at Costco. Perfect timing.

  10. I love asparagus! The sesame seed and oil sound like a perfectly partnership.

    Gorgeous photos, Mari!

  11. Thank you so much everyone for stopping by to leave your comments. It truly makes my day!

    It's very kind of you to take the time.

    Robin Sue, what a very nice compliment.

    LdyDy, you are so welcome! I really enjoy your blog.

    Thank you for stopping by everyone!


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!