
Sweet Potato Wedges ~ Oven Roasted

Sweet potatoes have been finding their way into my grocery cart more frequently lately. I like to prepare them in a number of ways.

Baked whole, grated and prepared into Latke, pureed with a splash of cream and a knob of butter...

Or this way ~ cut into wedges, tossed in a bit of olive oil, seasoned with coarse salt & freshly ground pepper, or (spicy Cajun seasoning). I bake them in the oven set to convection roast, at 425-degrees (F)for 10 to 15 minutes; depending upon the thickness of the wedges. I like to roast them until just tender and beginning to take on a little color.

Delicious with a squirt of fresh lime juice, a sprinkle of cayenne pepper or ~ my favorite; Piment d'Espelette.

They make a nice little appetizer, too!


  1. I like to sprinkle a little cumin & cinnamon on mine! YUMM. They look great!

  2. Yum Mary ! Sweet Potatoes are becoming a fav of mine also. Love them cubed with Lipton dry onion soup mix sprinkled over and baked tender...great side dish to anything! I'm going to have to try these wedges...

  3. Sweet potatoes are a favorite here too. I love them made into oven fries with just a hint of olive oil and tossed in cinnamon and cayenne pepper. Next time I'm going to try your idea of cajun seasoning, thanks for the idea. Amazingly beautiful photography!

  4. I love love love roasted sweet potatoes. They are so easy and good.

  5. i need to make these, they look wonderful~

  6. Oh be still my heart! They're going on my grocery list! ♥


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