
Raspberry-Cranberry Martini


I'm all for simple when it comes to mixing up cocktails at home; this one certainly fits into that category. And it's delicious, too.
Everyone really liked them yesterday; I made them up just minutes before my guests arrived and kept them in the freezer until serving time so they were nice and cold.
If you are going to make them on the spot, it's a very nice touch to put your serving glasses into the freezer for a few hours beforehand.


Raspberry-Cranberry Martini
One 12-ounce container of frozen Raspberry-Cranberry concentrate, or frozen Cranberry Cocktail concentrate


To mix: In a pitcher, mix the Raspberry-Cranberry concentrate with 1 1/2 to 2 containers of cold water (depending upon how fruity you want your drinks).

Pour a jigger or so of vodka into each glass and top with the diluted concentrate, stir.

If you prefer you can mix the drinks in a cocktail shaker.



  1. want to come over and make me one of those?

  2. Your photos are getting more and more beautiful.

  3. Those sound very yummy and look so festive.

  4. Your photos are getting more and more beautiful.

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  5. Good afternoon, Mari) My name is Svetlana, I from Russia. Do you have a great blog! I really like your recipes and photos. I am very glad that I found your blog!
    Please tell me where you can buy these sticks Cocktail Raspberry Cranberry Martini? Thank you!

  6. Greetings Svetlana, Thank you so much for your kind compliments!

    I bought the spiral cocktail pick from (a couple of years ago). I just checked and they are no longer available there. But, if you do an online search for "Amco cocktail picks" or "spiral cocktail picks" you may find a source for them. I believe they are available here:

    I hope this helps, and all the best to you. Thank you again for stopping by! :)

  7. Thank you very much for the quick response, Mari) I'll be sure to go. Do you have a lot to learn .. Sorry for my English. Good luck!


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