
There's a Tree that grows...

In the parking lot of my favorite nursery/garden center downtown... A beautiful and enormous tree.
The fact that it is planted in a narrow grassy parkway with the street and sidewalk on one side and an asphalt parking lot on the other, yet still thrives, amazes me.

In the summer it offers cooling shade, and each autumn it puts on a breathtaking display of color. Several colors, all at once.

I try always to take pause to appreciate it during every season. Yesterday was no exception. I'm so very thankful for the gifts this tree provides all year long.


  1. what a glorious tree! one would think it was deep in the forest too, magnificent!

  2. Wow, so beautiful. Wish we had that sort of change of seasonal color here in Southern Calif!

  3. What beautiful pictures! I was noticing the trees here (Montana) yesterday - they are bare and bleak.

  4. What a glorious tree! Most of our trees are already bare :(


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