
Aromatherapy You Can Eat

A treat for vision, taste and olfactory senses ~ this is a delightful and simple indulgence.

You will simply need:

The sweetest, juiciest, deepest colored orange you can find
1 star anise
a little sugar or honey (optional)
a broiler
your favorite tea

Wash the orange and cut it in half, across the equator. With a small, sharp paring knife section the orange between the membrane (as you would a grapefruit half.)

Set orange upright on an oven-proof pan, sprinkle with sugar, or drizzle with honey if using.
Set the kettle to boil for your tea, preheat oven to broil, position rack close to the heat element.
Choose a perfect star anise, a pretty cup and plate.

Place the orange half, flesh side under the broiler and heat until the sections become juicy and bulge upwards a bit. While orange is broiling, prepare your tea.

Carefully remove orange from broiler and place on plate, immediately put the star anise on the hot orange, allowing the magical fragrance to develop.

Take your plate with tea to a comfy place, breathe in the heavenly fragrance while the orange cools a bit and enjoy.

A private, quiet luxury, costing only pennies.

Note: You can reserve the star anise when you are finished for use another time. Rinse it quickly in cool water. Allow it to air dry, wrap well and store in refrigerator or freezer.

* My personal favorite with this is Harney & Sons, Special Valentine's Blend of Chocolate Tea with Rosebuds.


  1. You take the most beautiful photos!

  2. Mary..I love the shots..I love the look of Star Anise and enjoy citrus under the broiler.I have a little concoction of Gingered Sugar I keep for that..It is quite nice too:)On grapefruit..baked like an Alaska for Xmas morn..

    Thanks for the lovelies...

    The Beautiful Life~

  3. Oh Mary this is just so lovely...you remind me of a song I used to sing long ago....

    Suzanne takes you down to
    her place near the river
    You can hear the boats go by
    You can spend the night beside her
    And you know that she's half crazy
    But that's why you want to be there
    And she feeds you tea and oranges
    That come all the way from China
    And just when you mean to tell her
    That you have no love to give her
    Then she gets you on her wavelength
    And she lets the river answer...

  4. gorgeous again mary! its so refreshing to stop by many times a day and breath in the joy all around you!

    linda i still listen to that song often~

  5. Thats a absolutely creative! I love it!

  6. I relaxed just reading this blog...in my mind I just took in the smell.. Mary, you're absolutely amazing!!

  7. Beautiful idea, Mary. I need to look for that tea and some star anise - it sounds wonderful!

  8. Thank you!

    It's so nice to have you stop by and leave comments to let me know you're out there! I really appreciate it.

    Monique, Gingered Sugar ~ yummm, that sounds delightful!
    I remember when you showed us your beautiful grapefruit-alaska creation, so imaginative and I'm sure delicious! I lost the photo when my old computer crashed. :(

    Linda, I love that song ~ thank you for the reminder. :)

    Thanks again everybody for taking the time to leave a comment! You make my day.

  9. Mary, this presentation is just spectactular. (I am so running out of adjectives to describe your blog!) I will look for star anise too and try this with one of my afternoon cup of teas.


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!