
Sweet English Lavender

English Lavender is blooming in the garden beds right now. I love to cut the blooms to dry for their soothing fragrance when summer is only a memory. And to dry for lavender recipes .

A really pretty refresher is made from iced water (bubbly or not), with a thick drizzle of French lavender syrup stirred in, and a crush of fresh mint. It's so welcome on a hot day.

Un Verre D'Amitie ~ A Glass of Friendship

With the syrup you can enjoy a lavender refresher at any time of year.

Even when the Lavender is actually in bloom!

I'm drying the lavender and plan on sharing some of my favorite recipes using culinary lavender in the future. If you have any favorites, please email me. I'd love to see your recipes.

Lavender Sellers’s Cry ~

London, 1900

"here’s your sweet lavender

sixteen sprigs a penny

that you’ll find my ladies

will smell as sweet as any"


  1. Oh yes, I love cooking with lavender... check my blog. I've made lavender shortbread cookies, lavender glazed chicken and a lavender creme brulee.

    Your pictures are gorgeous as always

  2. This post is so pretty and though I can't smell through the screen the photographs are as "sweet as any"! I look forward to the recipes you will share using your lavender.

    Try as I might, I can't find a lavender hardy enough to grow here.

  3. The photographs are fantastic!


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