
Re: ~ Thank you everybody!

Thank you so very much for the wonderful emails regarding my photos on, it's quite an honor.
And a huge thank you to the kind visitors, from all over the
world (!) for your compliments about my humble blog. I've been buried with an avalanche of delightful emails. I regret I cannot respond to everyone personally, I hope you understand.
I want to express how very grateful, and appreciative I am for your following, it means a great deal to me.
And thank you especially to my two best cheerleaders (you know who you are.) Also to my garden friends, and new friends I've made through blogging, and those reading along daily.
Thank you all!


  1. You deserve every compliment! I knew it wouldn't take long for you to be recognized :) Your recipes and photography are wonderful and always inspirational. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  2. Why would Tastespotting *not* post something of yours? Your pics are gorgeous!!!

    Have a delicious day :)

  3. Thank you Susan and Em!

    Em, I'm so HAPPY to say Tastespotting DID, just today. I'm doing the happy dance! :o)

    Em, I know they have accepted your beautiful photography before (no surprise!) And Susan is a very gifted artist and photographer as well. I truly appreciate each of your styles very much.

  4. you were always a shoe in at these places... just the perfect fit~

  5. Mary, I say it again, your blog is just the best! The food and pics can't be beat..
    Congrats again!

  6. Thank YOU. It's been an honor and a privilege to get to know you through your blog, and I'm looking forward to trying some of your amazing looking recipes!

  7. Why THANK YOU anon, Kathleen, and Dolores!

    Wow ~ what kind comments, I truly appreciate you letting me know. You've made my day!


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!