
Postcard ~ From the Garden

Faeries in the Garden
(A bit of whimsy from the North Garden)

~ Looking back over the first of a few photos from spring and summer 2008 ~

It wasn't all weeding, feeding and deadheading :)

Many little things remind me there are faeries in the garden!

Butterflies and Dragonflies are faeries' friends!

It seems violas are the Faeries favorite networking system

I'm sure I've seen some peeking out from under the spring violets in the shade garden

And hiding in lantern shelters under some heirloom roses planted in old wine barrels

Some even tend gardens of their own!

Others live among the fern ~

No matter where you suspect there are faeries,

the important thing to always remember~

Do fairies reside in your garden, too?


  1. I love Fairies or Faeries. Is that your garden, it is lovely. Did you make the faerie garden too? I sent my boys out once with 1000 popsicles and told them to build a faerie village. Five hours later they had made the most beautiful vilage. Even an airport, then I had to explain that fairies can fly! One of my favorite movies is "Fairie Tale: a True Story" Thanks for this lovely post and photos too.

  2. Why thank you Robin Sue!

    Your boys sound so creative, and what a ingenious way to encourage their imaginations soar by building a Fairy Village. Too cute about the airport!

    Yes, these photos are from a part of my property that I just started developing last fall ~ it has undergone quite a transformation in a years time. Thank you so much for the kind words!

  3. This is just to cute...I love it wasn't expecting the end..I might have to take a few of your fairy ideas..thanks...

  4. Hi Molly! Thank you for the sweet words and taking the time to leave a comment.

    When I showed my darling friend the first stepping stone, she pointed out it's partner (the naughty one at the end) at a place on the internet.

    Of course I had to have it! We cannot be too careful with those mischievous fairies! :)


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!