
Blueberry Smoothie with Basil

This sounds like an odd combination, but the fragrance of the basil goes surprisingly well with the blueberry flavor. I came up with it quite by accident as I was making my morning smoothie, near the 'bouquet' of freshly cut basil from the garden which was on the kitchen counter. The two called out to be partnered up!

I don't actually blend the basil with the blueberries, the aroma of the sprig adds just the right nuance while you're sipping, and it's gorgeous, too.

Blueberry Smoothie with Basil


1 cup blueberries
1 cup plain yogurt or vanilla yogurt
1 1/2 tablespoons honey
3/4 to 1 cup ice cubes

Big fresh sprig of basil for garnish

Combine all ingredients in a blender.
Blend at high speed until smooth.

Pour into a pretty glass and garnish with the fresh basil sprig (bruise the stem a little to release more fragrance before placing in the glass if you like) & enjoy!


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