
Outdoor Wednesday with Susan at Southern Daydreamer

This Wednesday is special because it's the 25th Outdoor Wednesday, hosted by the lovely Susan on her beautiful blog "A Southern Daydreamer". Please click the link to see who is participating this week!

Thank you for stopping by! This week I would like to share some shots from the north garden; it's our newest garden, and still a work in progress.

Here's what's been happening in June in this garden ~

A peek through one of the gates to this garden.

We are still completing the sandstone path which meanders through this garden. Spaced out over the path are six rusty metal arches. The arches are planted on each side with fragrant old-fashioned and English roses, as well as a variety of clematis on each side.

This one is planted with climbing "Sally Holmes" roses, and "Blue Light" clematis.

More "Blue Light" shots~

And a couple more clematis~


"Pink Champagne"

I love the ever-changing summer skies here in the mountains. :)

Below are some shots of the (over-grown) heart shaped sweetheart garden.

The Digitalis (Foxglove) are in full bloom right now.

When I planted them I didn't know I had bought the giant version. (Ooops.)

The heart shaped bed is planted with fragrant iris, fragrant daffodils, rannuculus, lily of the valley, Dicentra (Bleeding Hearts), all which bloom consecutively from early spring until first frost. Deep in there somewhere is a small birdbath, which was the perfect size (before the Foxglove took over!)

Olive, Bay and Ivy Topiaries, they over winter indoors ~ but live outdoors during the warmer months.

Another Rosemary Topiary. I planted it (pot and all) in a barrel planter for the summer. This method keeps it's roots nice and cool, and prevents it from drying out so quickly.

We welcome all kinds of feathered friends, particularly the darling little Tree Swallows.

They arrive in May and raise their families in several of the birdhouses throughout the property.

Here are a couple of shots from one of the most accessible birdhouses:

Their parents work tirelessly from sun-up to sundown keeping the little ones fed with insects.

I love these volunteer "mop-top" poppies ~

"Volunteers" because birds dropped the seeds. :)

The newest addition to the garden is this fountain.

About mid-way through the path we built an offset terrace for the fountain.

Barely visible here is an arch covered bench which faces the fountain.

Evidence that the path is still a work in progress. :)

Lupine and Poppies.

Some silent visitors.

Can you see his fuzzy little rack just developing? :)

A sample of some of the roses in this garden~

A rear shot of Fairy "Euphoria" who lives among the native fern in the fragrant Oriental lily garden. :)

Thank you so much for stopping by to pay a visit, I hope you've enjoyed this little tour.

Have a wonderful day! xo~m.

Soft Baked 'Pretzels' ~ A healthy version

Once you make the dough for Moomie's Buns, (the reworked, more nutritious version) these are a lot of fun to make. (And eat!)

Unlike traditional soft pretzels, this method skips the step of boiling the shaped pretzels before baking.

After the first rise just take a portion of dough, roll into a rope shape with floured hands, using a floured surface to assist if needed, then turn into a pretzel shape. Brush with an egg wash, or egg substitute and sprinkle with coarse salt, seeds, or herbs if desired. Place on a lightly greased or silicone mat lined shallow baking pan and allow to rise for 10 to 15 minutes then bake until done to your liking in a preheated 375*(F) oven.

Again, for portion control I make them quite small, but of course you can make them any size you prefer. I like to serve them warm from the oven with whole grain Dijon mustard for dipping. If you try using the reworked Moomie's dough this way, I hope you like it.

For a printable copy of the more nutritious Moomie's dough recipe, you can find it on my recipe blog by clicking here.